
Fill Out the Waiver

Provide us with your basic information and sign the club sports liability waiver form

Try One of Our Practices

Meet the team and see what it's like to be a part of HTKD. We recommend that new and prospective members come to the Monday or Saturday practice with Master Jang or Coach Kathy. See the schedule for times and locations.

Join the HTKD Club Sport Group

Click this link and follow the instructions to be added to our system and mailing list.

Pay Dues (if applicable)

This allows us to be a registered USAT club. We hold socials throughout the year as well! Also, uniforms are included!

What makes HTKD special?

Every martial arts organization on campus is a fantastic opportunity, but each is also very unique. Taekwondo has awesome Olympic-level coaches and has more of a sport aspect to it than many of the more traditional clubs. We spend a lot of our time traveling together as a team, cheering for each other at competitions, and . This creates a very unique and special vibe amongst members: we train hard together, go to lots of cool places together, and generally just have a great time. Many of our alums say that Harvard Taekwondo provided some of the best memories and longest lasting friendships of their college years.


Because Harvard Taekwondo is a USAT registered club and an official dojang, we do charge dues of $60/semester or $100/year

However, for students for whom these costs are prohibitive, we offer financial aid (contact our Treasurer at


As a club sport, we are required to have members and prospective members read, sign, and return this waiver of liability.

Join the Discord Channel

Instagram: @Harvardtkd

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